OutNav Terms & Conditions
For OutNav
All OutNav users are bound by the standard terms and conditions that your organisation has agreed to.
Please be aware that:
OutNav users are required to register with their name and email address.
From time to time, account holders will receive emails from us about OutNav and OutNav Community events. You can read our OutNav Community mailing list privacy policy here.
Evidence uploaded into OutNav must not contain personal data, such as names, email addresses or telephone numbers.
Any photos or other material through which individuals could be identified can only be uploaded to OutNav if you have their consent to do so.
Standard terms of business for working with Matter of Focus
All our clients and OutNav users are bound by a set of terms and conditions.
These are signed by the organisation you work with on behalf of all staff.
This is a quick guide to the key points in those terms and conditions.
For the full version please click here.
Statements of Work and subscription renewal agreements
The Statement of Work or subscription renewal document we created for the work we are doing with your organisation is the basis for any agreement, including dates, key areas of work and payment information and terms.
Use of Software
At Matter of Focus we agree to make specified software available to you. In return you agree to
keep passwords and login details secure,
comply with our information governance policy,
allow us to audit or review your use of the software, and
not to copy, modify, duplicate or otherwise breach our intellectual property rights, including building a product or service that competes with it.
Intellectual property
We are giving you access to the Matter of Focus intellectual property which is encapsulated in our materials, approach and software.
You agree to respect this and to acknowledge our intellectual property rights when you share or talk about the work we are doing together.
We agree not to share any of your intellectual property including all of the material you upload, your analysis and any reports without explicit agreement and acknowledgement.
Data protection
Matter of Focus and organisations we work with agree to comply with Data Protection Laws.
The staff of Matter of Focus and organisations we work with agree not to disclose any confidential information about the other party for five years after the termination of any contract, unless required by law or to carry out our business.
Both Matter of Focus and the organisations we are working with are permitted to disclose the existence of and a brief description of the relationship using each other's names, trading names (if different), logos and other trademarks in publicity-related situations like adverts and press releases and on the website and social media, unless otherwise agreed. Each party agrees to abide by each other’s necessary corporate or organisation identity guidelines.
Our terms of business also covers liability limitation, termination, force majeure, assignation, anti-bribery and human trafficking, variation, waiver, severance and rights of third parties.
If you have any questions please get in touch with the team at Matter of Focus: info@matter-of-focus.com